Nine EU countries to unite wind power in North Sea

© RIA Novosti . Александр СмотровNine EU countries to unite wind power in North Sea
Nine EU countries to unite wind power in North Sea - Sputnik International
The energy ministers of nine European Union countries signed on Monday a joint declaration on a common system of wind-driven power generators in the North Sea, an EU Council spokesman said Monday.

The energy ministers of nine European Union countries signed on Monday a joint declaration on a common system of wind-driven power generators in the North Sea, an EU Council spokesman said Monday.

The participants of the project, announced on the opening day of the UN climate conference in Copenhagen, are Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Britain, Ireland, Sweden, Germany, Denmark and France.

Experts will now have to study the project to determine its feasibility.

The EU aims to increase its energy consumption from renewable sources to 20% by 2020.

BRUSSELS, December 7 (RIA Novosti) 

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