Turkey Abides by Agreement With Russia to Lift Trade Restrictions

© Sputnik / Dmitry Astakhov / Go to the mediabankMay 22, 2017. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim, right, during a meeting on the sidelines of a summit of the heads of state and government of the member states of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) in Istanbul
May 22, 2017. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim, right, during a meeting on the sidelines of a summit of the heads of state and government of the member states of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) in Istanbul - Sputnik International
Turkey abides by its agreement with Russia to lift trade restrictions, Turkey's Ministry of Economic Affairs said in a statement Thursday in denying media reports of newly imposed limits.

An employee of a flag-making factory folds a Russian flag as a Turkish flag adorns the display at left, in Istanbul, Tuesday, Aug. 9, 2016 - Sputnik International
Russia, Turkey Continue Talks to Lift Remaining Trade Restrictions - Kremlin
ANKARA (Sputnik) — The Russian Vedomosti newspaper reported this week on Turkey’s new restrictions on grain imports from Russia. It specified that, according to its data, Russia’s share in supplying Turkey with grain should account for 20-25 percent of the country's entire grain imports.

"Despite the positive atmosphere and positive steps in the political and economic relations between Russia and Turkey, certain media publish news about the restriction of agricultural product imports from Russia that do not correspond to reality. Turkey continues to adhere to the agreements reached with Russia," the ministry said.

On Monday, Russian and Turkish government officials signed a joint statement on mutually lifting the remaining trade restrictions, leaving import restrictions on Turkish tomatoes in force, according to Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

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