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Transgender Powerlifter Sets World Record As Olympian Cries Foul

Gregory thanked the Raw Powerlifting Federation, saying that as a transgender lifter, the athlete was not sure of what to expect going into the event, but was stunned at how everyone - spotters, loaders, referees, staff, meet director, and everyone else - made 'her' feel welcome, treating her just like any other female lifter.

On Sunday, transgender powerlifter Mary Gregory bragged of winning ‘nine out of nine’ events at the Raw Powerlifting Federation Event, also setting new world records for Masters Squat, Open bench, Masters dead lift and Masters total.

Gregory, a biological man who identifies as a woman, took to Instagram, posting: "What a day, 9 for 9! Masters world squat record, open world bench record, masters world record, and masters world total record!"

However, Olympic women's swimming silver medallist Sharron Davies responded by condemning the "pointless, unfair playing field" where biological women are being beaten by biological men who identify as transgender women.

"A woman with female biology cannot compete," the British athlete tweeted. "It’s a pointless unfair playing field."

​"This is a trans woman: a male body with male physiology setting a world record & winning a woman’s event in America in powerlifting."

Davies lamented that in many sports, especially in the United States, biological men may compete against biological women without requiring surgery or taking hormones.

Indeed, some of Mary Gregory's recent Instagram posts show just how masculine this transgender "woman" looks.

READ MORE: Transwoman Charged for Parading TOTALLY NAKED on Car Roof in Malaysia (VIDEO)

Save Women's Sports also drew attention to Gregory on Facebook, with the group sarcastically posting that Mary, born a man, is now very proud of the new trophy from dominating the women's division in powerlifting.

The organisation also rushed to warn that transgender inclusion in women's sports would spell the end of women's sports, adding it was high time to speak up.

Duke Law School Professor Doriane Lambelet Coleman testified that biological males have an inherent athletic advantage over biological females due to the chemical makeup of their bodies, adding that segregating sports on the basis of biological sex has always served to inspire young girls to follow in the footsteps of their fellow biological women.

READ MORE: Sweden Mulls Discarding Binary Gender System

​Continuing, he said that by competing in these sports, biological men claiming to identify as women destroy fair competition, break records that biological women worked hard to set, and set new records that will be harder for biological women to break.

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