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YouTuber Lilly Singh Faces Backlash for Wearing 'I Stand With Farmers' Mask at 2021 Grammys

© Photo : lilly/instagramLilly Singh
Lilly Singh - Sputnik International, 1920, 15.03.2021
For over 100 days, thousands of Indian farmers have been camping on Delhi's borders, demanding that the Modi government repeal three new agricultural laws passed in September 2020. Several rounds of talks have taken place between the government and farmers, but the issue has not been resolved yet.

Indian-Canadian YouTuber and content creator Lilly Singh's appearance at the 2021 Grammy Awards wearing an #IStandWithFarmers mask on the red carpet hasn’t gone down well with a section of people on social media.

While some are praising her for her brave move for taking the farmers’ protests to the Grammys and making a strong statement of support, she is receiving a lot of criticism for allegedly doing this for attention and turning the #IStandWithFarmers into a fashion show.

​​One user asked her how much she was paid to make the post. 

Netizens have accused her of not being aware of the main issue about the farm laws and how it would be a disadvantage for the farmers.

​Many netizens lauded her for extending her support to farmers and drawing global attention by taking the matter to the Grammy Awards.  

Lilly is not the only international celebrity who has come out in support of the farmers' protests. Earlier, international pop icon Rihanna, former adult movie star Mia Khalifa, climate activist Greta Thunberg, and many other celebs sparked a massive controversy for expressing their solidarity with the protesting farmers.

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