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Russian cargo vessel in distress in Sea of Japan after collision

The Russian cargo ship Sunrise is in distress after colliding with an unidentified fishing vessel in the Sea of Japan, Russia's maritime journal Sovfrakht reported on Sunday.

The Russian cargo ship Sunrise is in distress after colliding with an unidentified fishing vessel in the Sea of Japan, Russia's maritime journal Sovfrakht reported on Sunday.

The collision occurred 96 miles northeast of the South Korean port of Sokcho and 85 miles off North Korea, Sovfrakht said.

The collision punched the cargo vessel's hull and water started to rush inside the vessel. However, the situation is under control and the ship is sailing on its own to the port of Sokcho, Sovfrakht said.

The vessel has a crew of 17 Russian sailors. It was built in 1966 and shipped under Soviet and then Russian flags until recently. Now the ship, which has deadweight of 1,810 tons, sails under the Cambodian flag.

MOSCOW, December 19 (RIA Novosti)

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