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Egypt opens Gaza border crossing for Hajj pilgrims

© Ulija Labunskaja Egypt opens Gaza border crossing for Hajj pilgrims
 Egypt opens Gaza border crossing for Hajj pilgrims  - Sputnik International
Egyptian authorities opened the Rafah crossing on the border with Gaza to allow Palestinian Hajj pilgrims to make their way to Saudi Arabia and Mecca, the Palestinian news agency Maan reported on Friday.

GAZA, November 6 (RIA Novosti) - Egyptian authorities opened the Rafah crossing on the border with Gaza to allow Palestinian Hajj pilgrims to make their way to Saudi Arabia and Mecca, the Palestinian news agency Maan reported on Friday.

A Palestinian communication officer at the border, Jaser al-Mashukhi, said the first groups of about 1,200 people will cross the Rafah border on Friday morning and head to the Al-Arish airport in Egypt.

The agency added the remaining 3,100 Palestinians from Gaza planning to make their Hajj pilgrimage will leave over the weekend.

Egypt and Israel closed their border crossings with the Gaza Strip after Hamas seized control of the enclave in June 2007. The blockade has led to a drastic deterioration in the humanitarian situation in Gaza.


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